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In what situations should depression therapy be given
  • 2021-08-13 03:33:32
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In what situations should depression therapy be given

The short definition of depression is "depression".

It can be described as an increase in feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, guilt, sadness, gloom, hopelessness, helplessness, and a decrease in the ability to enjoy. Difficulty concentrating, reflected in your life, deterioration of social and professional functions, economic problems, problems in marital and business relationships, while physical fatigue, headaches, insomnia or oversleeping, weight loss or excessive weight gain due to appetite disorders, In addition to gastrointestinal problems, it has been proven by clinical studies that in the case of chronic depression paves the way for cardiovascular disease.

Since at least half of depression goes undiagnosed, it cannot be cured. Untreated depression can worsen over time.

Treatment is absolutely necessary, especially for 2 types of major depression.

Melancholic depression

Early waking in the morning, interrupted sleep at night.

Depression is more pronounced in the morning

Decreased appetite, weight loss

Inappropriate feelings of guilt, guilt over unnecessary things

Slowing of movements, neglect of activities of daily living.

Depression (no desire to do anything)

indicates such characteristics.

Since the person is not very active, withdraws from daily life, is very unhappy and has little energy, it and someone watching from the outside can easily see that the person is suffering from depression and needs help.

Atypical depression

Often, sufferers do not even have a clue that they are depressed.

Increased appetite - weight gain and increased sleep.

No desire to get up in the morning, difficulty starting the day.

People can feel good at certain times of the day and bad at certain times.

Pain and heaviness in the arms and legs are common

Hypersensitivity to interpersonal rejection

He is likely to have difficulty maintaining interpersonal relationships and problems at school and work.

When he engages in activities he likes and is with people he enjoys, his mood improves. For this reason, the person may encounter critical attitudes such as "lazy", "that will not work", "how does he do it only when he wants to". Because while he resists some activities and responsibilities, it is possible for him to do some activities with joy and energy. For this reason in particular, the person and those around him may not realize that it is a type of depression. For this reason, it may be delayed for the depressed person to seek support and seek treatment.

It usually occurs in young people and may be accompanied by alcohol and drug use.

If you are showing symptoms of depression, it is best to seek support without waiting for the condition to become chronic.


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