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What is family counseling
  • 2022-06-29 15:37:33
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What is family counseling

Family is a sacred institution that forms the basis of society that emerged with the process of existence of humanity. Each individual develops physical, spiritual, socially in the family and gains identity. The development of the individual from birth to death continues as infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. These periods are impressive and complementary. Family counseling deals with the issue from a point of view on which the effects of the family poses in the problems that the individual may experience during these periods and how the problems that may occur during these periods affect the functionality of the family. Family; The life cycle has a changing systematic and dynamic structure that develops over time. Every innovation entering the system is a situation that requires a new harmony. In the integration of the new situation with the existing situation, the family may come to a dead end and disrupt the functionality due to adaptation. For example; With the participation of a new member to the family, that is, with the birth of a baby, problems in the event of adaptation to parenting, which is the new role and identity, the cases that change with the child's start, adolescence problems with the growth and development of children, conflicts, sexual issues that may be experienced between spouses, communication, deception, divorce, work Many more issues such as change, death and mourning can disrupt the balance of the system. Family Counseling is a service that the family will offer the necessary support and consultancy in such problems that the family may experience in the systematic and dynamic structure. Family counseling considers the family as a whole. Family Counseling deals with the problems that the family may experience in the life cycle and develops solutions in this context, conducts the process with the participation of all family members, to increase the relationship between family members, to improve the empathic understanding, to provide the skills to solve the problems they can experience, to give the relationship between spouses and parent children It is an intervention process that increases the goodness of the family by aiming to strengthen. Family counseling should be used if the communication is broken in the family, conflicts between family members are caused by crisis, roles and responsibilities are not fulfilled and this family disrupts the functionality of this family.
The page content is only for informational purposes, you should consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


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