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Diagnosis of childhood urinary tract stones
  • 2022-06-30 16:38:41
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Diagnosis of childhood urinary tract stones

Urinary system stones can be seen not only in adults but also in the whole childhood, including infancy. Lifestyle (sedentary-free life), diversity of nutritional habits according to the past and inappropriate-irrelevant vitamin D supplementation of the urinary system today, while the factors that cause more common urinary tract disease, increased knowledge and awareness level in the childhood in childhood with the use of ultrasonography within the appropriate indications The diagnosed urinary system stone disease cases have also increased.
While the stone in infants is more intrarenal (the stone is built in the kidneys), ureter stones are more prominent in older children. Urinary system stones are more common in boys under 10 years of age and in girls over 10 years of age. The presence of a stone story in the family is important and it is seen that 12-68 %of the patients have a stone history in the family. Approximately one -third of pediatric patients are asymptomatic and they get diagnosed by chance in ultrasonography for other reasons.
Inadequate fluid intake in the uriner system, loss of fluid due to diarrhea and the low amount of daily urine extracted during the hot seasons, inactivity, anatomical abnormalities that disrupt the urine current (hydronephrosis, ureteropelvic composition narrowness and vesicoureteral reflux), urinary tract infections, highly forming stones in the urine. It can be caused by causes of metabolic diseases.
In every child with urinary system stone, the underlying causes should be investigated and the detected original and facilitating causes should be eliminated.
The aim of the radiological evaluation in children with suspicion of stone is to determine whether the localization of the stone, the existence of urinary obstruction (congestion), the degree of anatomical causes in the urinary system and the anatomical causes in the urinary system.
  The page content is only for informational purposes, you should consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


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