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The coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic and its psychological impact
  • 2021-08-13 03:38:28
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The coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic and its psychological impact

The coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic and its psychological impact

The difficulties, risks, and uncertainties associated with the coronavirus (COVID -19), which has been declared a worldwide pandemic, continue to affect many people in our country both physiologically and psychologically. The fact that the virus threatens the health of both individuals and those around them brings a sense of fear and anxiety, and causes psychological trauma to individuals. Negative feelings or experiences and trauma are an inevitable part of human life.

Assessing the coronavirus epidemic from this perspective can facilitate understanding and coping with the psychological impact of the disease on individuals.

What are the Psychological Effects of the coronavirus for the individual?

- Fear and anxiety about one's own health and the health of loved ones.
- Feeling depressed, overwhelmed, fatigued
- Indifference to activities
- Emotional sensitivity
- Appearance of feelings such as helplessness, sadness, restlessness, disappointment and anger
- Disconnection from social relationships
- Somatic symptoms such as palpitations, stomach problems, fatigue
- Difficulty concentrating and staying focused
- Increase/decrease in sleeping or eating patterns
- Increased use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs

To cope with the psychological effects that occur during isolation or quarantine, there is a lot of reliable and unreliable information on the subject on television, newspapers and social media. Frequent exposure to this information can trigger or increase anxiety. In this process, you can control your anxiety by staying away from sources that trigger or increase your anxiety and obtaining information from reliable sources.

*Reliable and up-to-date information can be obtained from Department of Health and World Health Organization sources.

Learning and using the methods to protect yourself from the coronavirus will help you improve your sense of control and reduce your anxiety. If you are having trouble controlling your anxiety, you can turn to people for reassurance. You can take preventive measures, such as finding out who these people are and what you can talk about besides your fears.

Anger, discomfort, restlessness, etc. that you experience when you have anxiety. Try to see emotions and situations as normal and temporary, understand your negative mood, give yourself time and do not avoid your emotions, this will help you cope with anxiety. During isolation or quarantine you can ask yourself the question "What is good for me?" and plan an activity. Taking online classes, reading books, watching movies, and video chatting with your loved ones can help you push your anxiety away. Keeping your daily routines and structuring your time can reduce feelings of frustration and uncertainty and help you control your anxiety. In doing so, be sure to maintain your usual sleeping and eating patterns and work/course/educational activities prior to isolation/quarantine. You can do breathing exercises and light physical exercises and make sure your body and mind are in tune.


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