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Watch out for this disease! Decreases sperm quality
  • 2021-08-13 03:36:54
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Watch out for this disease! Decreases sperm quality

When talking about the inability to have children and infertility, the first thing that comes to mind in our society is the problem of female infertility. However, while approximately 35 percent of all infertility cases are caused by women, male causes are approximately 35 percent, and the probability of problems in both couples is 20 percent.

As a result of basic tests to find the causes of infertility, no cause can be found in 10 percent of couples and this group is considered as "unexplained infertility". Varicocele constitutes 40% of male infertility causes.

Varicocele is the name given to abnormal enlargement of the veins of the testicles. In addition to many hormonal, physical and metabolic causes of male infertility, varicocele is the most common and actually the most easily treatable cause.

Varicocele, which is a very common health problem, is a disease that can manifest itself with a disorder in the structure of the testicles, low testosterone levels, and a decrease in sperm quality and number.

It is not possible to treat varicocele with drugs.

If the varicocele damages the testis, if the sperm quality is impaired due to the varicocele, it is important to perform surgery. However, surgery may be recommended if the disease causes pain in the testicles or groin. It is not possible to treat varicocele with drugs. If you are having trouble conceiving and you have a varicocele, surgery is definitely necessary.

A semen analysis (sperm test or spermogram) will determine whether varicocele affects your ability to have children. With a special ultrasonography called Doppler ultrasound, the diameter of the vessels and whether there is leakage flow are determined. Surgery is decided based on the results. Advanced operating microscopes are used in the microsurgical varicocelectomy method. The purpose of this is to select the right vessels to be treated more accurately and to minimize the risk of damage to arteries, reproductive tract and lymphatic vessels.

In this operation, which can be performed under general or regional anesthesia according to the needs of the patient, the testicular veins are reached by entering a 2 cm incision from the inguinal region. Veins are corrected with microsurgical methods. Depending on the condition of the disease, the patient can be discharged on the same day after this operation, which takes around 60 minutes. In the 1 week and 10 days period, the complaints related to the surgery are mostly resolved.

Positive results begin to be seen in 4 – 6 months

After the surgery, 60 - 70 percent of the patients have an improvement in sperm parameters. These positive results are achieved in approximately 4 – 6 months. In order to increase this rate, the specialist may recommend the use of medication if deemed necessary. Some vitamin and mineral mixtures can be used to improve sperm quality after surgery. If there is no improvement in sperm parameters in the 6th month, it is beneficial to direct the patient to methods such as vaccination or in vitro fertilization, taking into account the age factor and female factor according to sperm parameters.


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